Part 06 Saltwater Aquariums Demystified: Beginner Corals & Clean Up Crews

Table of Contents

I) Introduction

II) Beginner Corals

  • Coral Basics
  • Characteristics of a Beginner Coral
  • Choosing a Healthy Coral
  • Caring for Your Coral
  • Top 10 Beginner Corals
  • My Recommended Coral Products

III) Clean Up Crews

  • Clean Up Crew Basics
  • How To Choose a Clean Up Crew
  • Our Clean Up Crew Recommendations

VI) Episode 07: Lighting, Heating, & Circulation

I) Introduction

Well, instead of retyping everything out, just click the link below to go to The Beginner’s Guide To Corals, which has all of the topics below!

Again, I’d rather not retype everything, so check out the lengthy Beginner’s Guide To Clean Up Crews to learn more about the topics below.

VI) Episode 07: Lighting, Heating, & Circulation

Recent Beginner Blogs

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