Looking to set up an affordable saltwater aquarium? Discover three budget-friendly builds that cater to different needs and preferences, from simple fish-only setups to complex coral reef systems. Learn how to create stunning saltwater tanks without breaking the bank by following our detailed guide on essential equipment and smart choices. Dive into the world of affordable saltwater aquariums today! Check Out The Blog Here!

Featured Beginner Blogs

We created My First Fish Tank to be the one-stop beginner’s guide to saltwater aquariums. It can be overwhelming, so this entire website is designed to make it easy for you.

If you are just starting out and are interested in some beginner aquarium videos, check out our My First Fish Tank YouTube channel. We haven’t made a video for quite a while, but that’s because you can find us at BRStv, Bulk Reef Supply, and HelloReef.

Some of our most popular beginner blogs are below, so if something catches your eye, take a peek!

Popular Blogs

Latest Blogs

We’re constantly writing new beginner content, so if you want the latest, check out the blogs directly below!

Saltwater Aquarium Gear Guides

Our beginner saltwater aquarium gear guides are here to help you choose the right gear.  Whether that’s return pumps, LED lights, or fish food, we are here to help you make the best decision. If you are looking for guides for the best beginner fish or coral, just click on this sentence!

Latest Beginner Videos

While the My First Fish Tank YouTube channel is my own, I currently make beginner content for Aperture Pet & Life at the HelloReef YouTube Channel. So check below for my most recent HelloReef beginner saltwater aquarium videos.

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